50 Plugins for Alerts and Notifications – Speedlink3 Communication And Technologies
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50 Plugins for Alerts and Notifications

Here is a listing of the top jQuery plugins for alerts, notifications, and messages and the best JavaScript notification libraries. A few are improvements to console log messages or alert messages and some are full JS notification systems. There are many alternatives: you have simple JS answers, jQuery alert plugins, BootStrap versions, alert modules for Angular, backbone alert systems, and different notification frameworks for ReactJS, Meteor, UI Kits, and so on. Right here are the pinnacle 50 signals and notification libraries with some organisations:

Pure JS Scripts for Improved Browser Notifications

1. SweetAlert – a beautiful replacement for JavaScript’s “alert”. Comes with BootStrap and Angular flavors as well.

2. alertify.js – lightweight, customizable, growl-like notifications that work across browsers and platforms.

3. messenger – Client-side growl-like notifications with actions and auto-retry.

4. humane.js – a simple, modern, browser notification system.

5. smoke.js – framework-agnostic styled alert system for JavaScript

6. Notifier.js – OSD/GNOME non-blocking notifications.

7. jsMessage – Custom notifications, alerts, and confirmations.

8. ios.notify.js – iOS-style notifications built with HTML and CSS3 3D transforms.

9. blurt – JavaScript default alert(), confirm() and prompt() replacement, inspired by SweetAlert.

jQuery Notification Plugins

10. noty – A jQuery Notification Plugin that optimizes the look and feel of the standard alert dialog.

11. toastr – jQuery plugin for non-blocking notifications that can be customized and extended.

12. ohSnap – simple notification library designed for mobile apps and built with jQuery/Zepto.

13. AmaranJS – Nice, sleek and stylish notifications with jQuery.

14. Apprise-v2 – new and improved, attractive alert alternative for jQuery

15. Gritter – small growl-like notification plugin for jQuery

16. jQuery UI Notify Widget – a growl and ubuntu-like notification system

17. iOS-Overlay iOS-style Notification overlay for the Web, built with jQuery

18. jGrowl – a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to OS X’s Growl Framework.

19. notify.js – a jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customizable notifications.

20. jQuery.Alertify – Overrides JavaScript’s default alert(), confirm(), and prompt() functions in less than 1kb.

21. jquery-toastmessage – a JQuery plugin for Android-like notification messages.

22. jQuery Growl – another jQuery plugin for Growl-like messages in the browser.

23. Notify Better – jQuery plugin for multiple notifications (change your favicon, browser’s title, and more)

24. Sticky – super simple notification system for jQuery

25. WOW Alert – jQuery plugin to override native alert() method into a pretty dialog

AngularJS Alerts and Notifications

26. ngSweetAlert – AngularJS wrapper for SweetAlert

27. angular-growl – growl like notifications for angularJS projects, using BootStrap alert classes

28. Angular-Notifications – AngularJS component for easily creating notifications.

29. angular notifications – Simple service for user notifications with AngularJS

30. message-center – Message service and directive to display flash messages (info, warning, danger, success) in AngularJS

31. ez-alert – Angular module for managing alerts easily (designed for Twitter Bootstrap)

32. lr-notifier – a lightweight and very simple notification module for AngularJS.

33. angular-inform – A small growl-like message toaster for AngularJS.

34. ngToast – AngularJS module for toast notifications (dependencies on sanitize and Bootstrap CSS)

35. gToast – super simple Gmail toaster for AngularJS.

36. angular-notification – Notification service for Angular using native HTML5 API

37. ngN – Fully customizable notification module for your AngularJS application

38. ng-foobar – Notifications that don’t get in your way, Twitter style

BootStrap Style Alerts

39. bootstrap-sweetalert – BootStrap version of SweetAlert

40. pnotify – JavaScript notification plugin that requires jQuery and Bootstrap CSS (also has styles for a jQuery UI Theme)

41. jquery-bs-alerts – jQuery plugin for displaying Bootstrap alerts via jQuery events.

42. bootstrap-prompts – replace the alert(), prompt(), and confirm() notifications in the browser

43. jquery.toaster – a jQuery plugin for displaying toast notifications for Bootstrap 3.0+

React Notifications

44. react-notification – Snackbar (Material Design alerts) notifications for React

45. react-growl – Growl style notification ReactJS component.

BackBone Notifications

46. Backbone UI: Alert – notification system for BackBone to display errors, warnings, confirmations, and notifications to the user.

47. backbone.notifier – Notifications framework for Backbone.js

48. backbone-notifications – Global notification mechanism for Backbone

Meteor Alerts

49. Meteor Package for Bootstrap Alerts – use BootStrap style notification system inside of a Meteor application.

50. meteor-notifications – tooltip-style reactive notifications to your Meteor application.


x-notification web component
Angular Foundation
tinycon – favicon alerts
notification shim polyfill
nice-alert browser extensions for JS alert
Growl like notification system in ExtJS

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